26 September 2014

There´s something strange about making a blog but I guess everyone has their own motives for ‘publishing’ and mine may actually be pretty average, normal or mainstream. Doing this, researching, writing for and then posting up to or uploading my own personal articles at this blogspot appears to have become a kind of consolation. Why is it consoling for me, personally? Well, basically, I have only devoted time to this blog when I have been single with plenty of time on my hands and my civil status really should be irrelevant to a kind of exposé on South America! So, what has happened since October 2012? Well, personally, quite a lot really and that is my excuse for letting the blog go quiet, not that it ever really got busy in terms of visitors and commentators, advertisers, etc. Let me assure you that it is certainly not a reflection of this wonderful continent and purely a result of personal commitments and much more because of me than anything else.

So, as I am supposed to direct this webspot, www.suldasemericas.blogspot.com I am pleased to say that I am now putting it back into action. It´s been far too long since the series of articles on dance, which culminated in ‘Cumbia’ in October 2012 and far too much has been happening since then. What´s a real bonus is what I have been lucky enough to learn, how many people I have been lucky enough to meet and therefore a plethora of ideas that I would like to share through this blog thingy. Although this posting has no real content of relevance to ‘Finding the best in South America’, it is like a pre-release or a sample taster of what is coming back and this time I´d like to integrate more with the articles, especially with my own photos but also, if possible with more comments and feedback from a potential ‘audience’ with ‘followers’ and all that!

Whatever, may be of this, in the longterm I´m pleased it is still up and crawling! And hopefully, someone or two or a few are there on the planet anywhere, interconnected and might like to read this. Of course my belief in you, the readers may not be reciprocal and so the objectives of the blog shall probably never be achieved. You see, the reason I do this is to give information, to enable learning, to dispel myth, to break stereotyping, to promote the continent and it´s people, to advocate for South Americans as a fellow South American and it is in English because this is one of 5 European languages that have been well established on this continent for centuries and well, although Spanish and Portuguese are a lot more useful almost everywhere on this continent, another aim is to attract more people from further afar to take more interest and to understand South America more.

Consequently, I feel a kind of dilemma. Naturally, this should be published in one or both of the truly representative languages of the continent, namely Portuguese or Spanish. However, they are not natural to me and although I have considered making this trilingual, it simply isn´t practical right now. Ideally, it may become more multilingual in the future, but for the time being it will continue in English for reasons of convenience.  Nevertheless, I do hope for more comments and feedback in other languages and it may gradually become less anglophone as it progresses. Idealistically, this blog can manoeuvre towards its home, which of course will be, linguistically, more Iberian and indigenous with Quechua, Guarani and Aymara.

So, in conclusion, although this post is not informationally focussed and effectively a personal statement of intent rather than a research based piece, I thought it was necessary to recommence in this manner. Please accept my apologies and bear with me as what I have discovered and learnt since August 2012 shall gradually be revealed and believe you me, I certainly feel privileged to have experienced everything I have since then and I think you´ll find it equally fascinating if you link up to the blogsite regularly enough. Let me close this post, promising more and better with what is coming up soon. It´ll be worth the wait and although you may not be there with bated breath, with any luck you´ll appreciate what appears in the ensuing months. With enough time and inspiration there´ll be plenty to stimulate your senses as time goes by, . . .